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Welcome Message

 The Pastor and Congregation of Mountain Springs Fellowship Baptist Church extends a warm welcome to you and your family to be our guests during this week’s services at 10110 Constitution NE. Our church family is made up of believers from various walks of life reflective of the diversity of our city. You will feel welcomed by our church.

We meet together to worship the Lord in the love and joy of His strength and His presence, with the Word of God as the sole authority for our faith. Our heart’s desire is to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our friends, neighbors, and family.

 In Christ we have found the fulfillment of life which no other means can suffice. We look forward to learning more about the Bible in order to know more about our Creator and His plan and purpose for our lives.

At Mountain Springs Fellowship Baptist Church we are a family, united by a bond of respect and appreciation for one another that gives us a foundation from which to serve the Lord, reaching out to others with the Gospel all around the world. If you find life and religion laborious, your soul spiritually weary and thirsty, then come visit our services. Discover the love, joy, and peace that we have found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Regular Weekly Service Times

A nursery is available for infants and toddlers during all services.
LifeGroups – 10:00 AM
AM Worship Service – 11:00 AM
(AM Worship Service includes Junior Church for ages 3yrs – 5th grade)
PM Worship Service – 5:00 PM
Pee Wee Pirates – 5:00 PM (3yrs – 2nd grade)

Adult Bible Study – 7:00 PM
Youth Group –  (teenagers grades 6-12) 7:00 PM
Kids (ages 4yrs – 5th grade) 7:00 PM